When making home insurance comparisons most people tend to be drawn immediately to the company that offers lower rates. Why not? This is understandable and there is nothing wrong with it. Just don't make a hasty decision before having all the facts about each provider. That is where you can get into trouble.
Everyone wants cheap home insurance in the financial cost sense. But you do not want “cheap” home insurance in the sense that your coverage is severely limited and does not offer the protection you need. So make sure that the low rates don't blind you to the other things that should be helping to form your decision.
If you look hard enough you should be able to find a company and insurance policy that is in both your price and coverage range. Top homeowner's insurance companies can provide this. Because spending less now is well and good, but not if you have to pay a lot more down the road.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by insurance info?
Have you talked about insurance with your family?
Is the site you are using secure and is your firewall/anti-virus software up to date?
Have you checked your insurer's annual statement filed with the Dep. of Insurance?
Do you have coverage for additional structures like sheds and garages?
Is the site you got your quote from reliable and informative?
Have you ever compared quotes online?
What are the benefits of online comparisons?
Are you comparing the right quotes?
Do you check auto and health quotes regularly, too?
Are you focusing on the right types of policies?
Do insurance quotes come with any obligation?
Is there a discrepancy that you cannot understand?
Did you look at homeowner's insurance company ratings?
Did you ask friends and family what insurance they have?
Were they polite when you contacted them?
Do they offer ways for you to save in the future?
What insurance companies are licensed in your state?
Are lower rates always better?
Should I take photos of valuables and renovations in my house?
Do you know what your provider's claim guidelines are?
What should you do for insurance purposes after your home is hit by a natural disaster?
What should I do when a claim is the result of a crime?
How do you handle claim disputes?
What condition is your home in?
Do you live in a rural or urban area?
Are you planning to put a pool in?
Is the inspector you chose bonded?
Do you have all the proper permits and know all the building codes necessary?
Have you notified your insurer of planned renovations?
Have you had your valuables appraised?
Does my homeowners insurance cover all my possessions?
What is replacement vs cash value?
What should I do if my policy is not going to be renewed?
Are you always honest and accurate with insurance claims?
Does your mortgage require a minimum insurance policy?
Have you done your homework on insurance companies?
What are the most and least expensive insurance states?
Doers anyone in your family smoke?
Should I go with a lower or higher deductible?
Do you have a home security system?
Do you have smoke and CO2 detectors?
Are you keeping your house in good condition?
Have you looked into multiple policy discounts?
Have you looked into organization discounts?
Have you had your valuables appraised recently?
Can my credit score affect my insurance rates?
Have you factored insurance costs into your monthly budget?
Have you thought about not having home insurance?
Can you take the more expensive of 2 plans and still save?
Do you follow what is happening in the insurance industry?
Do insurance companies ever offer incentive-based savings?
Is insurance for part-time homes different than full-time?
Where can I get flood protection?
What are endorsements and riders?
What are extended and guaranteed replacement cost coverages?
Do I need sewage backup protection?
Do I need to have earthquake insurance for my home?
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