Hurrican Coverage

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Do I need hurricane coverage?

Hurrican Coverage

Hurricane protection is another type of home insurance that is not automatically included in your basic policies. If you add this to your plan, it will either add a specific dollar amount or percentage to the cost of your policy.

You may also find that your deductibles will be higher when opting for hurricane coverage if you live in areas deemed to be at high risk. So you will notice these higher deductibles more the closer you get to coastal areas of the United States like Florida and the Gulf areas.

The exact details of these types of home insurance plans will be slightly different from company to company. They will also vary between states, since certain states tend to get hit with hurricanes more often than others. Check with your state Department of Insurance to find out what risk level your area is considered to be in and how that will affect your insurance rates. You may then want to start requesting free home insurance quotes.



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