Sewage Backup Coverage

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Do I need sewage backup protection?

Sewage Backup Coverage

If you live in an area where floods are a major concern each year, then you know that they bring another potential threat with them: sewage backups. Often severe floods will cause sewage systems to back up into the pipes in your home. Everything from your kitchen sink to toilet and washing machine can be seriously damaged, not to mention the smell and clean up.

There are types of homeowners insurance that can cover this, but they are not offered by every provider. It is also not usually covered under flood protection policies provided by the federal government or private agencies. So you will have to assess the likelihood of flood and sewage backups in your area to determine whether or not you want to seek out this type of home insurance coverage.

The damage to your home from sewage backups could be severe and very expensive to repair. Talk to your neighbors, friends and family to see what they go with, and get some recommendations from your state Department of Insurance.



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